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Footzone.Me is here to educate and spread the word about self care.  We love the wonderful results from practicing the Footzone and know that this technique can be learned by everyone and be a benefit to everyone. Please take some time and learn about what Footzoning is and either find a friend that can give you a footzone or schedule one with us. We love sharing our loving and healing energy with all and hope you will help us in sharing the message of Footzoning to the world.

The Footzone dates back many centuries ago to the first documented treatment of the feet for the benefit of the body. We have Egyptian Hieroglyphs that give us clues into the healing practices they practiced. Through many gifted practitioners using the feet as their palette, we have a technique developed that signals the brain by touch on the feet and this in turn sends the signal all over the body and creates a system that can in turn create health and wellness.



Join an elite group of Footzone Practitioners with this Certification Course.

The course outline is a intense study of the body and it's many systems. You will delve into the functions and cause and effect of the body as you learn the technique used to signal each system and every cell of the body. With hands-on practice and many hours in book study and workbook completion, you will gain a greater understanding of how the body works. Every student discovers their own innate gifts as they delve into the study of the Footzone. The Classes include the studies in the class manuals as well as other modalities and teachings that support the practice of the Footzone. With over 80 hours of study and a minimum of 80 practice Footzones each student will be tested and certified that they understand and will practice the Footzone on others in a responsible and ethical manner in order to help each client in the best possible way. 


We like to think that all moms and dads can benefit from this Basic class as they will be given enough training to help their own family with this great health technique.

If every household had a trained Footzoner present and practicing on each family member, this world would be a much healthier place. As parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles we have family that we want to help and take care of. With the Basic Course you will receive the hands on basics of the Footzone technique that will serve to help deliver a footzone to family and friends as a service. This training doesn't offer the Certification required to charge for services but is a less expensive option to be able to help for free.

Bring a family member or friend with you to this class and have someone you can trade a footzone with. It's always more fun to share this with a friend.


Let us know what questions you have and how we can help you.

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Shawnee Fausett

Footzone Instructor and Practitioner

I have a love for helping people live their best life. I love learning and in all my studies I have found the Footzone to be the most complete and helpful mode of therapy for everyone as a whole. I have found that I love teaching and would love to share the Footzone with you and support you discovering the healing gifts you have within.


Shalyce Woodard

Footzone Practitioner and Computer Magician

With experience in Computers and Footzoning, Shalyce creates synergistic results from all things she touches. We are super excited to have her working with us to create a better Footzoning program and to get it shared by social media. She has single handedly produced a book with the best of the best in natural health. You can find it in our store and we highly recommend adding it to your reference materials. Shalyce is the go to person for all things computer related.


Crystal Cheney

Profile coming soon